Pregnancy & Uterus Growth: Weeks 4, 8, 16, 40
During pregnancy, the lining of the uterus thickens, and its blood vessels enlarge. As the pregnancy progresses, the uterus expands. While in a non-pregnant state, the uterus is about 1 ounce, it can be to 2 pounds when the baby is born.
Designed exclusively for BLACK Wellness & Prosperity Center by Joanna Culley

Pregnancy Anatomy Week 40
Fetal Development: Fertilization To Week 8
Conception occurs around two weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. After fertilization, which takes place in the fallopian tube, the fertilized egg is called a zygote. It travels for several days before it reaches the uterus. Within 24 hours after fertilization, rapid cell division begins, forming the embryo. For 8 weeks after fertilization, it is called an embryo. From 9 weeks after fertilization until birth, it is called a fetus.
Designed exclusively for BLACK Wellness & Prosperity Center by Joanna Culley

Fetal Development: Weeks 9 to 16
Fetal Development: Weeks 17 to 24
During week 17-24, soft, downy hair called lanugo starts to form and cover the body. Towards the late second trimester, around 20-22 weeks, many pregnant mothers begin to feel fetal movement. Fat also starts forming under the baby's skin.
Designed exclusively for BLACK Wellness & Prosperity Center by Joanna Culley

Fetal Development: Weeks 25 to 32
Fetal Development: Weeks 33 to 40
Growing Uterus: Fetal Development Week 12
Growing Uterus: Fetal Development Week 28
Growing Uterus: Fetal Development Week 40
Breastfeeding: Cross-Cradle Hold
Breastfeeding: Football Hold
Breastfeeding: Good Latch / Attachment
Breastfeeding: Side-Lying Position
Breastfeeding: Side-Lying Position
Breastfeeding: The Cradle Hold
Breastfeeding: The Football Hold
Anatomy of the Breast
Baby Positioned Ready for Birth
Birth with a Baby Showing Dilation of the Cervix
Birth with a Baby in Transverse Lie Position
Birth with a Baby in Vertex Anterior Position
Birth with a Baby in Vertex Posterior Position
Birth with Baby with Cardinal Movements
Black Mama in Nature
Cardinal Movements of Labor
Cervical Effacement & Dilation
Delivery Aided Vacuum
Epidural and Spinal Anesthesia Procedure
Internal Monitoring
Lordotic Curve
Ma'sah's Lunch Time
Positions of an Active Birth
Uterus Cross Section Showing Fertilization
Zoey and Tatiana Outdoors