Goodbye 2023! WHAT A YEAR!
In 2023, BLACK Wellness & Prosperity Center (BWPC) experienced remarkable growth. We successfully transitioned the African American Coalition and Best Babies Zone to BWPC. Our first cohort of doulas started hospital observations and the second cohort just finished the classroom portion of training. With this expansion and the seamless integration of services and resources, BWPC is now better positioned to provide comprehensive support to the Fresno community.

Pictured: BWPC Team at our PJ HOHOHOliday Party! Look how much we've grown!
Our vision remains unapologetically dedicated to improving health outcomes for Black women and babies. Every endeavor is deeply rooted in our BLACK values: Belonging, Love, Affinity, Community, Kinship. These values, inherently inclusive, extend their impact to our broader community, embracing families and birthing individuals from diverse backgrounds. When outcomes improve for Black women, they must improve for everyone.

Pictured: BWPC Black Infant Health Program participants who just gave birth to healthy twins!
As we celebrate the closing year and anticipate continued growth, we are thrilled to end on a HIGH NOTE! We are delighted to announce $350,000 of support from Access Plus Capital to strengthen our daily operations. Here we are dancing out 2023 together!
And a special thank you to our Angel infrastructure partner, Robert Ellis, who has enabled us to secure our own building—and future birthing center that stands as a testament to his instrumental role in actualizing our mission and providing a dedicated space for the health and well-being of our community.
As we reflect on our accomplishments, it is evident that our journey would not have reached this point without the invaluable support of people like you. A deeply heartfelt THANK YOU for standing by our side as we grow and shine.
Wishing you and your loved ones a joyful holiday season. Cheers to many exciting developments in 2024! We are absolutely and unequivocally STRONGER TOGETHER.