WHEREAS unsafe sleep practices are responsible for 3,500 deaths among U.S. babies each
year; and
WHEREAS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) or/and Sudden Unexpected Infant Death
(SUID), is a leading cause of infant mortality among children from one month to one year of age
in Fresno County; and
WHEREAS, SIDS and SUID can happen when the baby is sleeping and can also occur when
the baby is awake in their sleep area; and
WHEREAS racial and ethnic disparities exist in the rates of SIDS-related deaths with Black infants dying at nearly twice the rate of white infants; and
WHEREAS these infant deaths may be prevented with accessible and culturally responsive education and awareness; and
WHEREAS the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies up to one year of age to be placed to sleep alone on their back for all sleep and naps, in a safe sleep environment that includes a firm and flat surface such as a mattress in a safety-approved crib/bassinet, that is free of loose and soft items such as toys, crib bumpers, and blankets and placed to sleep in the same room as their caregiver but not the same bed; and
WHEREAS promoting safe sleep education, awareness and practices requires a collaborative network among local partners including: BLACK Wellness & Prosperity Center (BWPC) as they develop curriculum, Cultural Brokers Inc. providing training to community advocates, First 5
Fresno County launching a public education campaign, and Valley Children's Guilds Center for Community Health convening stakeholders as part of the Central Valley Safe Sleep Coalition; and
WHEREAS all children deserve the best possible start, no matter their circumstance; and
WHEREAS the right conversation about safe sleep could save a life.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED, that the County of Fresno in the State of California, does hereby proclaim the month of October 2022 as Infant Safe Sleep Awareness Month in the County of Fresno
Learn more about Safer Sleep practices here