Who should get the updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 COVID-19 vaccine?
Everyone ages of 6 months and older, including pregnant persons should get at least one dose of the updated COVID-19 vaccine.
What are the possible side effects after getting any COVID-19 vaccine doses?
Everyone, including pregnant persons who get a COVID-19 vaccine may experience side effects, such as a soreness at the site of injection, feeling tired, body aches, chills, and fever. This is normal! It means that your body is responding and producing protective antibodies. LEARN MORE about caring for yourself & family after getting vaccinated HERE.
Why is information about who should wear a face covering and when so confusing?
Mask wearing guidance follow changes in infection rates. Masks help lowering the risks of COVID-19 spread but you can use them against other contagious respiratory illnesses such as flu or RSV. Local health jurisdictions and other entities may have requirements in specific settings based on local circumstances. Rule of thumb: If you were exposed or tested positive, wear a mask for 10 days around other people.
What are the currently FDA authorized vaccinations?
COVID-19 vaccines authorized in the United States: Updated Pfizer-BioNTech Updated Moderna The Food and Drug Administration issued an EMERGENCY USE AUTHORIZATION (EUA) for the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted for eligible groups. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html#:~:text=Vaccines%20authorized%20by%20the%20U.S.,Novavax
What are the currently NOT FDA authorized vaccinations?
Some of the original vaccines are no longer authorized for use by the FDA in the United States. Instead, updated vaccines are being used. No longer authorized: original Pfizer-BioNTech original Moderna COVID-19 J&J/Janssen COVID-19 vaccine
Where are the vaccines made?
The Moderna vaccine was produced by the American biotech company Moderna and is currently being produced primarily in Cambridge, Massachusetts. The Pfizer vaccine is being produced at BioNtech and Pfizer facilities mostly in Germany and Belgium. Johnson & Johnson produced their vaccine in Leiden, Netherlands. Novavax was developed in the United States.
What are the differences between the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson and Johnson, and Novavax vaccines?
Learn how mRNA Vaccines Work
COVID-19 vaccines are safe & effective.
Pfizer and Moderna are mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a harmless protein that is unique to the virus. After our cells make copies of the protein our bodies recognize that the protein should not be there and remember how to fight the virus that causes COVID-19 if we are infected in the future.
The Food and Drug Administration issued an emergency use authorization (EUA) for the Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted . This vaccine is a protein subunit vaccine. These type of vaccines contain purified / harmless pieces of the virus.
Novavax vaccine contains:
- harmless pieces of the virus that causes COVID-19.
- adjuvant, which is another ingredient that helps our immune system respond to those pieces of the virus, and later on provide protection against the actual virus spike protein. The primary series of Novavax was available for people aged 12–64 years.
Johnson & Johnson is a Vector vaccine. This vaccine is expired and is no longer authorized for use in the U.S.
What if I miss my second dose of my primary series-doses?
If you’ve missed your appointment for your second dose, go ahead and reschedule and get get your updated recommended mRNA vaccine to get the best protection against COVID-19 and its variants!
Is the vaccine going to give me COVID-19?
NO! COVID-19 vaccines in the U.S. do not contain the live virus that causes COVID-19. A COVID-19 vaccine cannot make you sick with COVID-19. Sometimes vaccines may have side effects, such as feeling tired or experiencing a headache. These symptoms are normal and are signs that the body is building protection against the virus that causes COVID-19.
Can you die from the vaccine?
There are no known deaths that have been caused solely by the COVID-19 vaccine. In the U.S., more than 670 million vaccine doses were administered from December 14, 2020, through May, 2023. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccination-states-jurisdictions
Is your natural immune system stronger than the vaccine?
NO! The COVID-19 vaccine helps your immune system fight the virus faster and better than natural immunity. The updated COVID-19 vaccines provide longer and broader protection than natural immunity from a previous infection. Did you know? More than a third of COVID-19 infections result in zero protective antibodies. Bottom line: Everyone ages 6 months and older should get the updated vaccinated, even if you've had COVID-19. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.
What is bivalent vaccine? Do I need one?
Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines are updated COVID-19 vaccines designed to provide broad protection against COVID-19 as well as against circulating variant, currently: Omicron.
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older receive at least one single bivalent Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTechCOVID-19 vaccination regardless of whether they have received any original COVID-19 vaccines.
What are the “original” COVID-19 vaccines?
“Original” COVID-19 vaccines are the previous COVID-19 vaccines designed to protect against the original virus that causes COVID-19.
What if I received a Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) vaccine as primary series? What can I get now?
If you are 18 or older and received 1 or 2 J&J doses, you are recommended to get 1 bivalent mRNA dose (Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech).
My baby was born preterm. When should he/she get the vaccine?
Most preterm babies (-- babies born before 37 weeks of completed pregnancy), can follow the same recommendations and same precautions as full-term infants and children.
How do I receive a COVID-19 vaccination/booster?
Easy! If you are in Fresno, go to myturn.ca.gov. If you need resources and referrals, contact us!
Will digital vaccine records be updated to show that individuals have received a booster dose?
Yes, the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record has been updated and will show all COVID-19 vaccine doses. But after receiving a new dose, you need to downloaded your record again. Waiting 14 days for your new dose to show up in the California Immunization Registry.
If I am up-to-date on COVID-19 vaccines, do I still need to follow precautions?
Even with an updated dose of mRNA vaccine, harm reduction precautions, such as wearing a mask, hand washing, and avoiding large crowds are still important.
How do we know booster doses are safe?
Each updated vaccine went through the same thorough scientific review process as the initial vaccine series, with trial data from all over the world being reviewed and considered when making a recommendation. The vaccines, including booster doses, are safe. CDC has published additional data on the safety of additional doses given in the U.S. during August and September.
How do we get people to understand the importance of getting the vaccine?
Many factors influence vaccine decision-making, including cultural, social, and political factors; individual and group factors; mistrust in medical establishments; and vaccine-specific factors.
However, confidence in the vaccines, the vaccinator, and the system all support the decision to get vaccinated. It is important to stop the spread of misinformation about COVID-19 vaccines and have vaccine-hesitant people build confidence in the vaccine from trusted friends and family.
Some ways to help people become more willing to get the vaccine is to educate people about the vaccines, listen to their concerns, and most importantly make your decision to get vaccinated visible and celebrate it!
What is bivalent vaccine? Do I need one?
Bivalent COVID-19 vaccines are updated COVID-19 vaccines designed to provide broad protection against COVID-19 as well as against circulating variant, currently: Omicron.
The CDC recommends everyone 6 months and older receive at least one single bivalent Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTechCOVID-19 vaccination regardless of whether they have received any original COVID-19 vaccines.
Who is eligible for updated mRNA vaccinations?
Everyone aged 6 months or older should get 1 updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine
People aged 65 years and older or people who are moderately or severely immunocompromised may get a 2nd or additional doses of updated Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine.
Learn the updates on vaccine recommendation: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/stay-up-to-date.html
Which updated vaccines are available?
Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines are available and authorized updated dose for all individuals 6 months of age and older.
What if someone received a Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna or Johnson & Johnson vaccine initially in their primary series? Can they get a different vaccine product as their booster?
Yes – the only available updated vaccines are the bivalent Moderna, bivalent Pfizer-BioNTech, or Novavax vaccines. You can receive any of the booster doses no matter what you received in your initial vaccine series.
Will digital vaccine records be updated to show that individuals have received a booster dose?
Yes, the Digital COVID-19 Vaccine Record has been updated and will show that a booster vaccine dose has been administered. Your vaccine record will not automatically update, so a new version will need to be downloaded to reflect that you have received a booster dose. We recommend waiting 14 days for your new dose to show up in the California Immunization Registry.
Does receiving a booster eliminate the need for further harm-reduction precautions?
No, even with an extra dose of mRNA vaccine, harm reduction precautions, such as wearing a mask, hand washing, and avoiding large crowds is still important to keep you, your baby, and family safe.

Currently, there is no evidence that COVID-19 vaccines cause male fertility problems. Research has found no significant changes in sperm characteristics after vaccination.
Professional societies for male reproduction recommend that men who want to have babies in the future get a COVID-19 vaccination.
Men who are not vaccinated and become infected with COVID-19 are at an increased risk of experiencing fertility problems. Learn about the negative impacts on male fertility for men who are not vaccinated HERE.
Evidence shows that the vaccines do not cause infertility or adversely affect sperm count or egg production. However, contracting COVID-19 is harmful and has negative impacts. Watch the Mount Sinai Health System video to learn more HERE.
A recent study of 45 healthy men who received an mRNA COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna) looked at sperm characteristics, like quantity and movement, before and after vaccination. Researchers found no significant changes in these sperm characteristics after vaccination. Learn more HERE.

COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for everyone 6 months of age and older, including people who are trying to get pregnant now or might become pregnant in the future, as well as their partners.
There is no recommendation for routine pregnancy testing before receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. If you are trying to become pregnant or may want to become pregnant, you do not need to avoid receiving a COVID-19 vaccine. Visit MyTurn to schedule your vaccine today.
Those who are trying to become pregnant do not need to avoid pregnancy after COVID19 vaccination.
If you get pregnant after receiving your first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine that requires two doses (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine), you should get your second shot on schedule to get as much protection as possible.

There is no evidence that shows that any vaccines, including COVID-19 vaccines, cause fertility problems (problems trying to get pregnant) in women or men. Many people have become pregnant after receiving a COVID-19 vaccine, including some who got vaccinated during COVID-19 vaccine clinical trials.
Science tells us that vaccines are SAFE & EFFECTIVE if you’re trying to conceive.
Recent report using the v-safe safety monitoring system data showed that 4,800 people had a POSITIVE pregnancy test after receiving a first dose of an mRNA COVID19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna).
Pregnant women are more vulnerable to illness. Contracting COVID-19 during pregnancy increases risk of severe illness, hospitalizations, and a 70% increased risk of death compared to non-pregnant women.
Current data on the safety of vaccines for pregnant and breastfeeding persons indicates there are no increased risks of miscarriage or other adverse outcomes. CDC recommends pregnant and breastfeeding persons receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
If you get pregnant after receiving your first shot of a COVID-19 vaccine that requires two doses (Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine or Moderna COVID-19 vaccine), you should get your second shot on schedule to get as much protection as possible.
If eligible, pregnant persons should follow the same guidelines as non-pregnant persons for booster shots.

Preterm birth: Delivery before 37 weeks of pregnancy often results in babies born too small, with complications that can last a lifetime. Complications from preterm birth is the leading cause of an infant dying before their first birthday.
According to a UCSF analysis of all documented births in the state between July 2020 and January 2021, researchers found the risk of very preterm birth (less than 32 weeks of gestation), was 60% higher for people infected with the coronavirus during their pregnancy. The risk of giving birth at less than 37 weeks — which is any preterm birth — was 40% higher.
Preterm birth is an emotional and economic hardship on families. Preterm birth is estimated to cost $26 billion per year in the U.S. The cost to care for preterm babies in Fresno County is estimated at $78 million per year.
The risk of preterm birth is 160 percent higher among people infected with COVID-19 and have underlying health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, and asthma.
Research has shown mothers that tested positive for COVID-19 experienced greater rates of preterm birth and low birth weight. Preterm birth and low birth weight is less common among babies born to mothers who received the COVID-19 vaccine. Learn more HERE.

Can my child receive antibodies from my breast milk? Yes! Mothers who have received a COVID-19 vaccination or previously had COVID-19 can pass along antibodies through breast milk. Since babies are not yet able to get a COVID-19 vaccine, the protection they get from their mother’s breast milk is important to keeping them safe and protected against COVID-19.
Antibodies are special proteins in our body that are produced by our immune system to protect against diseases and infections.
Should lactating individuals receive a updated COVID-19 vaccine dose? If a person is recommended for the dose, lactation does not change that recommendation.
To protect yourself and newborn, get vaccinated as soon as your can. LEARN MORE about when your ISOLATION PERIOD ENDS
LEARN MORE about caring for your newborn while breastfeeding HERE.
Current data on the safety of vaccines for pregnant and breastfeeding persons indicates there are no increased risks of miscarriage or other adverse outcomes.
If you are breastfeeding, get vaccinated as soon as possible. Do not wait. CDC recommends pregnant and breastfeeding persons receive a COVID-19 vaccine.
If you have COVID-19 and choose to breastfeed:
Wear a mask whenever you are within 6 feet of your newborn.
Keep your newborn more than 6 feet away from you as much as possible.
Talk to your healthcare provider about how you can protect your newborn, such as using a physical barrier (for example, placing the newborn in an incubator) while in the hospital.
Wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.

Pregnancy causes changes in the body that could make it easier to get very sick from respiratory viruses like the one that causes COVID-19.
Many Black women suffer from pre-existing medical conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma. Underlying health conditions increases the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, and death from COVID-19 for pregnant persons not vaccinated.
Pregnant Black women are more likely to live in unfinished neighborhoods with concentrated levels of air pollution, which makes respiratory viruses worse.
The Central Valley has the lowest rates of vaccination overall in the state of California, with the lowest rates of vaccination among Black people. Vaccination among Black pregnant persons is critical, since Black women are more likely to suffer from underlying health conditions
Funding is provided by WeVAX+, a program of the Public Health Institute, through funding from the State of California Government Operations Agency.